Free Vedic Birth Chart Interpretation

The Vedic Chart

  1. Free Vedic Birth Chart Reading
  2. Free Vedic Compatibility

Birth chart generator online will help to generate kundali based on vedic astrology. You can see birth chart, planets with degrees, nakstra, vara, thidhi, rashi & house report, gemstone suggestions, numerology report, navmsha chart & remedies etc. Free Birth Chart and Report This free astrology birth chart reading includes the chart wheel along with a full birth report. Jump down below to see a detailed list of what’s included or some tips on how to interpret your own chart.

If you don’t know your Vedic astrology chart or ascendant, we now have an automated, online chart calculator. To view and print your own personal chart, simply enter your birth information into the chart calculator and click a button. When reading the predictions by sign on this website, be sure to chose the sign for your ascendant.

In India some read the predictions from the moon sign but I believe this may be because they don’t have accurate birth times. The ascend sign changes the most rapidly of all these personal points so it is the most personal and specific. This is why I recommend that this is the one to follow when reading your monthly personal signs. The ascendant is the sign rising on the eastern horizon at your time of birth. That is why it is referred to as the rising sign as well. Vedic astrologers call the ascendant the lagna. It is determined by your time of birth. The ascendant changes one degree every 4 minutes. With 30 degrees to a sign from beginning to end a sign remains the same for 2 hours. Therefore with all 12 signs at 30 degrees and 2 hours per sign it takes 24 hours for the entire zodiac of 12 signs to rise on the eastern horizon. .

Free Vedic Birth Chart Interpretation

The moon changes signs every 2 and 1/2 days. So this is not as personal as the ascendant. The sun stays in the same sign for 30 days. .

Your Sun sign and is what most people know when they are asked their sign. The Vedic chart uses the Sidereal zodiac. This is a different means of calculation than used by western astrologers. Western astrologers use the tropical zodiac. The tropical zodiac is basically based on the seasons in relationship to the cycle of the Sun. Each year it is the Sun that determines the seasons. The changes of the seasons occur at the same time of year consistently. .

The sidereal zodiac is based on the stars and constellations. The star groupings called the constellations constitute the signs. There are 12 groupings dividing the constellations. The planets are what move across the back drop of these constellations/signs. This is how we determine what signs the planets are in. . Cummins n14 engine serial number location.

The stars move very slowly from our perspective on earth. This is called precession of the equinoxes. The movement is approximately 1 degree backwards in the zodiac every 72 years. Therefore over a period of 2,000 years the zodiac has moved backwards approximately 23 degrees 50 minutes at this point in time and will continue to change at this very slow rate of speed. .

What is reflected in your Vedic chart are the true placements of the planets currently now due to precession. Astronomers refer to these placements because they are the true placements of the planets in relation to the signs. If you are born in July and you know your western sun sign is Leo, then the constellation you would see visible in the night sky at the time of year of your birthday would be the constellation of Cancer instead of Leo because the zodiac has shifted backwards 23 degrees 50 minutes. .

Each sign is 30 degrees therefore 23 degrees almost covers an entire sign. There is about 6 degrees left before the zodiac completes an entire sign in this backward motion. That will take about 432 years. At that point in time we will enter into the sign of Aquarius. This will be the Age of Aquarius. Currently we are in the age of Pisces. .

The tropical and sidereal zodiacs did line up 2,000 years ago at the beginning of the sign Aries. This is referred to as the vernal point. .

Interestingly Edgar Cayce one of the most prolific psychics of our century stated in a trance medium sessions that western astrology was inaccurate and was off by almost an entire sign. .

The Moon in your chart refers to the mind and will depict how you feel about things in your life. The moon represents intelligence and emotions. To read the description of the sign your moon is in will give a general idea how you relate to the world based on your interpretation through how you feel. It may not be how others see you but it is your experience through your feelings.

The Sun refers your physical body, stamina and ego. Reading your sun sign should give you a sense of yourself and how others view you. . Life is feudal official.

* To read more detail on this, refer to Joni’s article comparing Vedic and Western astrology in her blog.


In India if you were asked, “What is your sign?” they would be referring the nakshatra placement of your natal moon. Actually, they would ask, “What is your star?” Here the chart calculator gives you your nakshatra in which your moon was at birth. You may refer to the pages on the 27 nakshatras to read more detail about your personal nakshatra. They are more in depth than the signs, with rich detail concerning your nature.

The predictive tool used in Vedic astrology called the planetary cycles or the dashas are based on the nakshatra your natal moon is placed at the time of birth. This determines the timing of your life experiences throughout your lifetime. This should reveal just how important your moon is in the Vedic chart.

Vedic astrology is a lunar based system. Interestingly the calendar in India is based on the nakshatras. Each month is named after the nakshatra the full moon occurs in for that month. Izotope rx crack mac. There are references to the nakshatras in the Rig Veda, one of the oldest Indian scriptures dating approximately 1,500-2,000 BCE.

There are 27 nakshatras divided into 13 degrees 20 minute portions of the zodiac. Remember the signs are composed of 30 degrees divisions of the zodiac therefore the 12 signs at 30 degrees each equate to the 360 band of the zodiac. The nakshatras are 13 degrees 20 minutes therefore, there are 27 within the 360 degree zodiac.

The place in the sky where your nakshatra falls will give rich meaning depending of the meanings of the groupings of fixed stars falling in this portion of the zodiac. Read your star and contemplate its significance in your life. Actually all the planets in your chart fall in a portion of the sky that is in a nakshatra, and has specific meaning in your life, but the moon’s nakshatra is the most important.

Click here to read about your moon’s nakshatra.

  • Create Kundali

Enter your date of birth on natal chart calculator. To generate horoscope on a single click to give results on multiple features: Kalsarpa Dosha, Rashi Report, Nakatra & Thidi , Planets with Degrees, Navamsha Chart – D9, Shodashvarga charts (16 Charts),
Generate your birth horoscope online. This online calculator gives you a report of about 12 pages instantly with

Free Vedic Birth Chart Reading

  1. all Divisional Charts
  2. Kalsarpa Dosha Check
  3. Manglik Dosha Checking
  4. Rashi Report
  5. Vara, Karana, Nakatra & Thidi
  6. Planets with Degrees
  7. Navamsha Chart – D9
  8. Shodashvarga charts (16 Charts)

Free Vedic Compatibility

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