Zsh Autosuggestion

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This tutorial shows how to install zsh and configure 'Oh my zsh' framework on the Linux machine. Z shell (Zsh) is one of the most powerful shell interpreters which is an extended version of bash, tcsh, and ksh. It is a very popular command-line productivity tool for web developer’s workflow.

Some of the prominent features are:

Installs (30 days) zsh-autosuggestions: 3,496: Installs on Request (30 days) zsh-autosuggestions: 3,490: Build Errors (30 days) zsh-autosuggestions: 0: Installs (90 days). Plugins = ( plugins. zsh-autosuggestions zsh-history-substring-search zsh-syntax-highlighting) Note: make sure zsh-syntax-highlighting is the last one in the above list. Fix background theme issues (Not necessary depends on your theme.). Zsh community projects (not directly affiliated with the zsh project). If you have a project you want to host here, ping @nicoulaj / IRC #zsh-users.

  • Better tab completion
  • Easy directory navigation
  • Supports lots of Themes and Plugins
  • Syntax highlighting
  • Auto completion
  • Interactive configuration
  • Color customization

Install ZSH on Linux

By default, Ubuntu and Debian distros do not have zsh. To install zsh on ubuntu 20.04 and Debian 10, run:

On CentOS 8:

To verify the zsh installation:

From the output you can see, zsh has been successfully installed in /usr/bin/zsh.

Change the current shell

First, check what shell you are currently running on by the following echo command:


The above output shows the currently using shell is 'bash’. To change the default shell, you have to run the following chsh command:

Logout from the current session, now when you log in to terminal you will have Zsh shell instead of default bash.

Note: On CentOS 8 install 'util-linux-user' package to have chsh:


Install 'Oh my zsh' Framework

Oh My Zsh is an open-source framework that runs on top of Zsh. It comes with lots of features, themes, and plugins.

Firstly, you have to install wget and git for downloading the necessary installer tools:

On Ubuntu:

On CentOS:

Then, download the Oh My Zsh installation script, run:


The installation folder is ‘~/.oh-my-zsh’, run ls command to list its contents:

Next, you have to create a configuration file for the zsh shell. You can copy the configuration template from ‘~/.oh-my-zsh’ folder to your home directory:

Now on running ls command, you will notice a new look.

How to Change the theme

By default, Oh-my-zsh uses 'robbyrussell' theme. You can find that by opening the .zshrc file:

There are many other themes available and in ~/.oh-my-zsh/themes/ directory.

To change the default theme, edit the .zshrc file and change the default theme.

For example to change the theme to 'kiwi' update as shown:

Then, apply the change by running:

$ source .zshrc

How to Enable plugins

There are many plugins offered by Oh-my-zsh. You can list all of them in ~/.oh-my-zsh/plugins directory.

In order to enable plugins, edit .zshrc file and add the corresponding plugins to the ‘plugins’ line.

For example:

Configure syntax highlight on Zsh

If you want to enable the syntax highlight on Zsh shell, clone the zsh-syntax-hightlighting from github and move it to plugins folder:

Then, insert the following line at the end of the ~/.zshrc file:

Configure autosuggestions on Zsh

While you type a command on zsh shell, it’s useful if the shell supports the autosuggestions mechanism. Fortunately, oh-my-zsh supports this feature very well.

To enable auto-suggestion install zsh-autosuggestions plugin:

Then add the plugin to the list of plugins in ~/.zshrc file:

Zsh-autosuggestions Zsh-syntax-highlighting

Now apply the change by running:


In this tutorial, we learned how to install and configure ZSH on Ubuntu 20.04 and CentOS 8 machines.

Fish shell is another good alternative, worth trying for a better terminal experience. Thanks for reading and please leave your suggestion in the below comment section.

Update: this is my first post on Zsh install and configuration. For a listof useful plugins I use to boost my productivity, see thispost.

Zsh is a powerful shell with better auto-completion andricher functions. There are also various plugins to enrich your experience ofusing shell. In this post, I will introduce the installation and simpleconfigurations for zsh.

Build and install ncurses

The intallation of zsh requires ncurses. On some systems, the ncursesdevelopment package is missing. If you do not have root priviledge, you need toinstall ncurese from source:

The CXXFLAGS='-fPIC' CFLAGS='-fPIC' flags are important. Without them, youwill encounter errors when you try to build Zsh. See more infomationhere

Build and install Zsh

Latest code of zsh can be found here.It is easy to install:

Since I do not have root priviledge, I can not usechsh to change the default logging shell.In order to use Zsh as the default shell, you can add the following settings to.bash_profile,

Then source .bash_prfile to make the changes take effect. With this setting,zsh will be activated each time you log into the system.

Oh-my-zsh is framework for Zsh with rich functionalities.To install, run the below command:

oh-my-zsh ships with a bunch of plugins to enhance your experience of usingzsh. You can enable these plugins in the .zshrc file. For example,

The above setting will enable git, pip and vi-mode plugin. The complete list ofplugins are listedhere.

For other plugins which are not shipped by default. You have to install themyourself. You may want to tryzsh-autosuggestion. Massive 1.5.1 r2r. It cangive you suggestions when you type command based on your command history.

Autosuggest - Fish-style Autosuggestion in Zsh? - Stack Overflow

First, we need to install this plugin:

In .zshrc, add autosuggestions to plugins:

Do not forget to source .zshrc to make the change take effect.

When you type command, you will get suggestion. You can use ->(right arrowkey) or End key to accept a suggestion. If the suggestion is not what youwant, it will disappear as you continue typing.

Install zsh-syntax-highlighting

This plugin will highlight your command in command line to enhance yourexperience. Use the following command to install this plugin:

Add it to plugins:

Then source ~/.zshrc.


You can use various themes in Zsh. For example,powerlevel9k. Installguide ishere

And in .zshrc, use

Install a powerline font

powerlevel9k works well if you install a powerlinefont.


To change the default prompt style, put the following afterZSHTHEME='powerlevel9k/powerlevel9k':

You can customize more settins following the theme documentationhere.


Spaceship is a simple andelegant theme. If you want simplicity, you may like it.

Set ZSH_THEME='spaceship' in your .zshrc and source your zsh config to usethis theme.

In order to show current directory relative to $HOME, use the following setingin .zshrc:

More prompt paramters can be foundhere.

Finally, source ~/.bash_profile to change the shell to zsh.

Zsh Autosuggestion Color

In this post, I describe how to install zsh and make it your default shell. Ialso introduced how to install a theme and plugin with the popular frameworkoh-my-zsh. You can read the zsh and oh-my-zsh documentation for morecustomizations.

See More Results

You can find my complete zsh configurationhere.

Install Zsh Autosuggestions